Polyactil/Petroactil Bundle - Get both the extreme healing of Polyactil and the gentle healing of P

Polyactil/Petroactil Bundle - Get both the extreme healing of Polyactil and the gentle healing of Petroactil, combined for optimum HEALING POWERI ordered this product after reading a few of the reviews to take care of a patch of really bad skin irritation I have had for 2 years. I had tried everything including prescription medication from my dermatologist. For the first time in 2 years I can see improvement in the skin irritation and have found it is also great as a face cream. I had huge pores and black heads and adding this to my nightly facial cleansing ritual has improved my complexion immensely.

I have used these products and would recommend them to everyone.

Thank you. I will order these products again. It works

Buy Polyactil/Petroactil Bundle - Get both the extreme healing of Polyactil and the gentle healing of P Now

I initially purchased this product as I was experiencing cyst/boil like blisters on my legs. As soon as I feel a blister forming, I immediately apply Polyactil/Petroactil to the area. If I catch it early enough, the blister will not form at all but if it does form, it is very minor and goes away within 3-5 days. I also use this product after waxingit is great for bumps and I have recommended it to my aesthetician.

At the end of the day, this is my "go to" product for any sort of skin ailmentpimples, bumps, dry patches, cuts and scrapes. It is the only thing I need/use!

Read Best Reviews of Polyactil/Petroactil Bundle - Get both the extreme healing of Polyactil and the gentle healing of P Here

If you are reading this review and you have no clue what Pyoderma Gangrenosum (PG) is, please finish reading this review and then run an internet search on the disease. I am still recovering from a bilateral outbreak of PG and the combination of Polyactil with Petroactil helped with the pain & healing process. Polyactil/Petroactil used in conjunction with Manuka Honey 550+ made a big difference in the speed of healing the lesions based on the surprise expressed by my wound care MD yesterday. The doctor and the attending nurse both commented that I was making remarkable progress compared to other PG cases they had seen.

My PG lesions are in a variety of stages some are still wounds, some have scabbed over, some have sloughed off the scab and newly formed pink skin has made an appearance. The Polyactil/Petroactil combo is keeping everything comfortable and moisturized on the skin's surface, has promoted healing (verified by a Medical Doctor who specializes in wound care!) and it appears it will even reduce the appearance of the scars with continued use. I have just ordered another bundle, having ordered the first one in February. Amazing products from a remarkable company, Med-Actil.

Now, go run your internet search on Pyoderma Gangrenosum (PG) and you will know right away that if these products have done anything positive to help with PG that you must try them for whatever skin condition or wounds you need to treat! They will improve and speed up the healing process and they don't require a prescription!

Want Polyactil/Petroactil Bundle - Get both the extreme healing of Polyactil and the gentle healing of P Discount?

My mom who has passed was bed ridden and developed a bad bed sore. Hospice didn't give us anything special to help. The best stuff we could find in the store was medicated diaper cream and it wasn't helping. I went online and after many comparisons I picked this stuff out. We saw improvements within the first few days. Even when she was starting the dying process the polyactil/petroactil really helped the bedsores. They did not progress any further and even started to heal. If someone you love has bedsores get this stuff. It really works!

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