Mueller HG80 Wrist Support

Mueller HG80 Wrist Support - LargeEase of use: A+

Comfort: A

Convenience: A+ (both hands, & smaller/flexible/easy to pack)

Price: C+

Overall: A

Would recommend?: YES


Detail: I have four wrist braces. (1) This one, (2) ACE Brand Wrist Brace OSFA 207306 (small, beige, wrap around wrist with thumb loop: link), (3) Mueller Carpal Tunnel Wrist Brace (longer, beige, with metal splint 'spoon': link), and (4) Ace or Futuro Deluxe Wrist Stabilizer, Right Hand (long, beige, also with metal support: Ace and Futuro links).

1, 2 and 3 are great and each useful for a different level of pain. 4 sucks and should never be made, let alone purchased, because IT IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS 3, THE MUELLER CARPAL TUNNEL WRIST BRACE, *MINUS* thumb wholes on both sides. So #4 cannot be used on both hands, and apparently comes in more nit picky sizes? Whereas #3, Mueller one is more flexible= fits both hands Comfortably and broader range sizes = great. And you're being able to wear it on both hands makes a BIG difference, especially if you hurt your other hand, or when your spouse or kid needs one too and you're done with it. Unless you want a huge brace collection of course.

1, this one, is for moderate 3-7/10 pain or discomfort (yes, a wide range) and can be worn for a long time (more than 4hours for sure). I'd say it's for a wide range of discomfort because its steel springs give you great stability, while still FLEXIBLE (mildly bendable and so packable), MEDIUM sized (not too big, not too small), and with the comfort you may wear it a long time even if you have little pain. Whereas others, like 3 or evil 4, are not super comfortable and kind of dig in your skin after a while but give you 10/10 top support, so you won't want to wear it all the time. Only when you're hurting enough to put up with the bulk, zero flexibility, and mild discomfort.

So, 1 can be worn often, 3 or 4 less frequently. 2, the wrist wrap (seen here, just remove the spaces: com/shc/s/ p_10175_27151_01348176000P) gives minimal support, like for 1-4/10 pain BUT it's most convenient, easiest to pack, and LEAST noticeable and bulk. So if you're going to a party and you don't want the world to notice, but you want Some wrist support, wear this. Or something like this. Nothing special here...just a wrap, with velcro closure, and a thumb loop. but still great! Puts pressure and holds well and strong.

ALSO, obviously you can't wash dishes, or shower with 3 or 4, but YOU CAN WITH 1 THE WRAP! It's handy for that too!! It has saved me there many times. I haven't tried with this mueller one, because I've been too scared of ruining it as it IS more expensive than others, especially the wrap, which was around 3-4bucks.

I know that's a lot, but hopefully it helps someone out there. I know my brace-finding adventures where a headache, and I really went through reviews. They're always very helpful for me. Good luck!

I bought this since I have been getting some pain in a wrist I had broken a few years ago. I had a larger splint type brace that is just too bulky to wear during the day too much. I had good experiences with other Hg80 braces so I went with this one although it was more expensive than a lot of the others. Well first off I don't find that it is as much a brace as it is just a support. For me it doesn't really keep the wrist fixed at all, it just seems to rely on compression and the heat that the material provides. I don't think it goes high enough on the hand to keep the wrist in place and the area you tighten the wrap is a little too low so there's some looseness that makes it pretty easy to move the wrist a lot. As some of the other reviews have stated this is a good property if you want to have the support while doing activities, but I tend to think of a brace as something that is more rigid and this is fairly flexible, again more like a support. Put it this way, for some heavy weight lifting I use some wrist wraps (like $5) and they are a support yet they do a better job of restricting motion than this will. But ok, it wasn't what I thought it was but that isn't the sole reason for my rating. The main reason I cant give it a high rating is that the part that loops over the thumb literally digs into the area between the thump and fingers and makes it too uncomfortable to wear for long. I'm not sure if this is just something I get or not but it rubs that area so much and I think if I kept wearing it I would get a blister. So I cant rate it better than I did because its not a "brace" in the sense that it isn't firm enough, and as a support I feel like I can get a more effective support for about $5 just using some valeo wrist wraps. Add in that it is uncomfortable for me to wear it long and there's no way I can recommend this.

Buy Mueller HG80 Wrist Support Now

I bought these as workout wrist braces. A bit pricey, but it keeps the strain off my wrists and steadies them as I weight train.

Read Best Reviews of Mueller HG80 Wrist Support Here

I have a condition called scaphalunate dysplasia, which is a fancy name for a torn ligament in my wrist. It does not heal and cannot be repaired surgically. The wrap allows me to play tennis and golf with a minimum of pain, yet does not interfere with my ability to play. It's an excellent balance of sturdiness/protection and functionality/convenience.

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I bought this product for my wrist and hands. This brace looks very sleek but lacks any practical function. the Muller hg80 Wrist Brace is described as having "firm support" as soon you open the package an you can see how loose and flimsy the brace really is. You could get just as much support from a sweatband than this brace. When you put the brace on it bunches up like an leather bag, this makes the brace very uncomfortable. After wearing it for 5 minutes I got a rash.


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