3M Tegaderm HP Transparent Dressing - 2-3/8" x 2-3/4"

3M Tegaderm Transparent Film Dressing - 2-3/8' x 2-3/4' -Sometimes you require a product that has a little more 'oompfh' this 3M product called Tegaderm HP gets the nickname 'high powered second skin' from me. Where the original Tegaderm can fall off in heavy sweat or heat environments, the HP version sticks twice as long and holds on for dear life.

I use this produce daily to cover a patch used for Rx purposes and can honestly say that I love them they remove a little more skin at times than their original brethren but I imagine that is a personal skin issue. I warn consumers to check prices on this particular product $50-60 is a good price but this product can go to $100 or more. Caveat emptor


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