BORIC ACID POWDER HUMCO 6 OZRead this at your own risk. It may be a little TMI for some, but I think it's helpful information.

I'll start off by saying there's no such thing as medical grade boric acid. Boric acid is just boric acid. I saw a couple people asking whether this was "medical grade" and safe to use as an eye wash because of all the warnings on the bottle. There aren't different formulas, it is what it is. I did A LOT of reading on boric acid, including the MSDS safety sheet, and the gist of everything I read was DON'T inhale it, DON'T eat it, and DON'T use it on broken skin.

Also, try to get past the warnings. Don't ignore them completely, just remember acid isn't always a bad/scary thing. Lady parts are naturally acidic, your muscles produce lactic acid when you exercise, and your body needs amino acids to function. Boric acid is a weak acid, and is considered to be no more toxic than table salt when used topically. Just remember, even though salt is tasty and most of us would consider it harmless, it too can cause health problems or even be lethal. Think of boric acid the same way. Moderation is always key.

The first thing I used this for was to act as an emulsifier with beeswax to make some skin cream. Mission accomplished.

The next thing I used it for was a stubborn yeast infection. I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago (at the age of 27) and have been struggling with surgical menopause. This means I'm in hormone Hades, with stubborn weight gain and severe hot flashes. This led to a chronic infection that 3 doses of Diflucan and all the Monistat in the world couldn't fix. After reading up on how to to use this for yeast infections, I got some NOW Foods "00" gelatin capsules. The recommendations I found said to fill the capsules with nothing but the powder, but some women complained this led to some irritation since boric acid can dehydrate and just generally annoy the skin a bit.

So, I dissolved 2 tablespoons of the acid in a block of cocoa butter about the size of a wadded up kleenex using a makeshift double boiler, (a pot of water with a pie tin in it). After everything was dissolved, I poured the mixture into a dixie cup and then dribbled the liquid into the gel caps. I used maybe 20 capsules and put the remaining mixture in a glass jar so I could re-melt it in a pot of water later to make more suppositories. (If your'e going to use this method, let the liquid cool a bit because you will inevitably get some on your hands). A friend of mine asked, "why cocoa butter?" It's non-irritating, a great soothing moisturizer, and melts on contact with skin, much like name brand yeast infection suppositories. You want the suppositories to dissolve with your body heat, not drip all over or stay a solid block.

This worked LIKE A DREAM. The next day there was NO itching, NO yeast odor, NO discharge and NO irritation.

Much to my surprise, this little concoction worked on another problem. Any woman that's used a vaginal suppository knows that what goes in is eventually going to come back out. In the middle of the night, when the gel cap dissolved and the mix freed itself from my lady area, it coated my outer lady area. This wasn't anything special until I noticed that my stubborn "down there" sweat odor was completely gone, and it stayed gone for the entire day, even through a series of hot flashes that soaked my clothes. This was enough to make me jump for joy.

After the previous discovery, I had another crazy idea. Maybe this is just an issue for overweight people, but my belly button smells awful, (yes, I've checked it before, don't judge me). I made more of my cocoa butter/boric acid mixture and added some olive oil to make it creamy, but this time let is set up in an old makeup jar instead of putting it in a capsule. It cooled off into a nice spreadable cream which I promptly smeared in my belly button. After a day, ONE DAY, no more odor.

I won't go into too much detail, but I've been using this cream on other problem areas that sweat profusely throughout the day with the same success. Boric acid hasn't cured my hot flashes, but it has certainly taken a lot of paranoia in social settings out of my life.

Last but not least, I made a mix of boric acid and hot water to kill some mold in my bathroom.

My next project will be dissolving it in some corn syrup to help with a friend's ant infestation.

Boric acid is a valuable tool that has hundreds of uses. Whether you're thinking about using it for hygiene, acne, eye infections, athlete's foot, yeast, jock itch, mold, ants, roaches, mice, laundry.... whatever, don't hesitate. Just make sure you do a little research first on what you're going to use it for. A little creative tinkering can take you a long way with this product.

This is what my doctor recommended to me years and years ago for chronic yeast infections. I gotta say, it does the job. Buy them with size 00 veggie capsules, insert in the vjj (never take them orally), and you will clear up in a matter of hours. It kills yeast. Period.


Used to, when I would get a yeast infection, I would take Diflucan or use Monistat 3. While these products successfully took care of the yeast infection, they also pushed my vaginal pH up to a higher level which allowed bacteria to grow. So I would take an antibiotic for the bacterial growth and that would result in a yeast infeciton. I went through this cycle for six months. Finally, I read the Amazon reviews for boric acid being used to treat yeast infections. So I bought boric acid, as well as some empty veggie capsules size 00 (also available on Amazon). The next time a yeast infection came around, I put boric acid into a capsule and inserted it vaginally (do not take orally per the directions). I found out that the reviews are right: BORIC ACID KILLS YEAST! I use these boric acid vaginal suppositories twice a day to treat a yeast infection. And guess what? Boric acid is a weak acid, so it keeps the vaginal pH low which means no bacteria can grow. I confirmed this by visiting my OB after using boric acid vaginal suppositories for two months and the labwork came back showing NO bacterial growth. I'm SO happy and thankful to have found this yeast infection remedy and the price can't be beat!

Read Best Reviews of BORIC ACID POWDER HUMCO 6 OZ Here

The first thing I used it for was to get rid of cock roaches. I spread it all over any hard surface in the kitchen at night with some tasty bait in the middle. In one week; no more cock roaches. This time, I followed the recommendation of spreading it on carpets and rugs to kill bugs to include my pets fleas. In two weeks; no more bugs and fleas. I have heard that the manufacturers cannot advertise the various uses due to the chemical industry wanting to protect the lucrative billion $$ bug business. Well, I don't need to worry about them coming after me. This stuff is a miracle and everybody needs to know all its' natural benefits.


I had been having problems with BV for like 5+ years! I'd been to the female doc time after time, with each visit resulting with a script of either an antibiotic pill or some gel of the same sort. As usual, I'd use use the "treatment" as prescribed, see a tiny bit of improvement, then low and behold...BAM! Right back to where I'd began! So then I would resort once again to search the net for another type of treatment( in dire hope of it being the last time I'd have to do this again! )that would work! Next, I'd found myself buying treatments from the drugstore, some only promising to last for like 3 days. THAT'S IT! My last try at this horrible affliction, I thought I'd try out Boric Acid, after a few stories I'd read about it really seriously working to treat BV!? So I ordered a bottle of boric acid and small clear vegetable caps to make my own "inserts" and after a whole 7 days (well, nights) of inserting the caps...IT FREAKIN WORKED! I also inserted a probiotic as well, each time, with the homemade caps and I've been cleared of this horrible nightmare...FINALLY!


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