Mommy/Delivery Bffl Bag

Mommy/Delivery Bffl BagThis is really expensive and I didn't end up using most of the stuff in the bag bc my hospital provided it all. Great idea but I would check with your hospital before spending the money.

The BFFL Delivery Bag was such a treat!

It's a compact bag that includes everything you could possibly need for your hospital stay when giving birth. And put together with such thought and care. As if having a baby doesn't require enough forward planning and organization it was nice to be able to leave `the hospital bag' to someone else!

It comes with a complete set of mini toiletries (all the necessities as well the niceties), flip flop shoes, ice pack, bandages, multifunctional drink bottle, a cute pillow (great for breast feeding and to keep baby upright afterwards), playing cards, gift cards, sweets, section for important documents and so much more.

It's the perfect baby shower present (unique and so helpful!), or gift from mother to daughter.

I am recommending it to all my girlfriends.

Thank you BFFL!

Buy Mommy/Delivery Bffl Bag Now


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