BFI Antiseptic First-Aid Powder - 1.25 oz


The title of my original review was "There's NOTHING better than this"

And it read "I have used this for years... First as kids in my parents house and then for my own kids.

Have been guarding the last container like gold... soooo happy to have discovered it here anew! etc etc "

I even ordered not one but SIX bottles of the stuff from American Wholesaler, Brooklyn, NY



What I received is labelled "Soothing, Protective Powder Helps prevent chafing and irritation Keeps skin drier"

The original product (the one pictured here as of Sept 10,2010) instead is "Antiseptic First-Aid Powder For CUTS, Chafing and minor abrasions"

If it was just the label, who cares... but the ingredient list is also different!!

IT DOES NOT CONTAIN the active ingredient which is the antiseptic ingredient.


Active Ingredient Bismuth-Formic-Iodine followed by Inactive Ingredients: Bismuth Subgallate, Boric Acid, etc

New One (the one on this listing)

Has NO active ingredient and the INGREDIENT order is different: Boric Acid, Magnesium Carbonate, Talc, etc

This stuff as listed is a fancy talcum powder like Goldbond, not the wonderful product we all remember.

Make sure what you buy lists Bismuth-Formic-Iodine as its first and active ingredient.

I asked for an exchange for the original antiseptic product I ordered or a refund.

The review that says the formula changed is wrong! The new packaging contains the exact same ingredients and ratio as the original package! (Call the manufacturer, the number is on the shaker.)

The original package, "BFI-Antiseptic First-Aid Powder" Lists an active ingredient of "Bismuth-formic-iodide 16%...First aid antiseptic" The inactive ingredients are listed alphabetically.

The new package, "BFI Soothing Protective Powder" does not list an active ingredient, and all references to First-Aid have been removed. The ingredients are listed in descending order of content. The former active ingredient-"Bismuth Formic Iodide" is listed as the fourth ingredient.

You can compare all the inactive ingredients on the new packaging, and all the ones from the old label are still there-with no ingredient added or taken away.

Buy BFI Antiseptic First-Aid Powder - 1.25 oz Now

I have been looking for BFI powder in stores for years we used for every cut and scrape as kids even for hives and other rashes. And, I used it for years on my dog's skin irritations. Then it seemed to disappear for a number of years, and I couldn't find it anywhere. I'm so glad to be able to find some. We call it "magic powder" in my family soothes, dries out scabs, and generally heals all.

Read Best Reviews of BFI Antiseptic First-Aid Powder - 1.25 oz Here

I first learned of BFI Powder years ago after visiting a cousin in Australia. She gave me a small container to use and keep after I cut myself. I was hoping for some nice anti-biotic cream, but instead got this powder, which for the life of me I thought would never stay on the wound. I took the container but did not use it at that time. Okay, now cut to many many years later...I was a diabetic and started have serious problems with open wounds on my feet. The podiatrists I was seeing tried everything they knew to heal what were basically holes on my heels. They gave me a powder that was supposed to stimulate skin growth. It didn't work, but after running out of it on a weekend, I saw the BFI powder in my medicine cabinet, that had been gathering dust since my trip to Australia. I used it for a bit over a week, and when I next saw my doctor, he was amazed that my wounds looked like they had almost healed! After I ran out of the powder, I started searching for it on the internet and finally found some for sale at a pet supply company (used on dogs ears after they are cropped) for crying out loud! Needless to say, from that point on, I was a convert, and still use it for any wound problems I have with my feet. Thankfully, it is now available on many web sites. I make sure I always have a container or two at home, because like magical fairy dust it really works when other remedies fail.

Want BFI Antiseptic First-Aid Powder - 1.25 oz Discount?

I have used the BFI powder antiseptic for 30 years. For a long time, I was not able to find it in drugstore or pharmacies. Now I am glad it is available online.

This is the best antiseptic for cuts and wounds.

The cream antibiotic or liquid antiseptics keep the cut open, while the BFI powder antiseptic keeps the wound dry. The dried blood seals the cut, allowing the wound to heal quickly.

This thing will last 30 40 years on the shelf. Mine bought 35 years ago still works fine without the powder stuck in a clump.

Highly recommended.


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