Source Naturals Ubiquinol CoQh 100mg

Source Naturals Ubiquinol CoQh 100mg, 90 SoftgelsFolks: Ubiquinol CoQ10 was suggested to me by the Mrg of a vitamin store. I use Ubiquinol CoQ10 myself because I have cardiomyopathy and tire easily. I took 500mg daily and noticed within weeks I was having more and more energy, my skin looked 10 years younger and my metabolism sped up a tiny bit. Coq10 strengthens the muscles of the heart (via the cells). Then I heard it could be used for renal failure in humans... I have a cat with the beginnings of renal failure so I spoke with my vet and told him I was putting my 14 pound cat on it. My vet had the old bloodwork so I followed up with him 1 month later and my cats creatine levels went down from 3.8 to 3.0!!!!!! I had my cat on 30mg of Ubiquinol Coq10. UBIQUINOL COQ10 IS INCREDIBLE. I AM NOT JOKING! PHOSPHORUS was also in check too! So much so that my Vet called me and wanted to know my dosage! He is now going to put his dogs and cats who have renal and heart problems on this. THIS IS INCREDIBLE NEWS AND I WANTED YOU ALL TO KNOW IT WAS UBIQUINOL COQ10 THAT DID THIS. I'm very pleased. I hope this buys you more time with your babies as it has for me... I hope this news blesses you...

If you are on a statin you need CoQ10. This is a more readily available form of CoQ10. My 85 year old mother credits this supplement for aiding in the recovery of some of her muscle strength.

Buy Source Naturals Ubiquinol CoQh 100mg Now

Okay, I had been taking a CoQ 10, 100 mg capsule, Whole Foods brand, supposedly excellent quality and very expensive for a while. Have to do this to counteract another Rx med... so must take CoQ 10 every day... Something was wrong as the few times I did not take my Rx med... I felt so much better and the only explanation was that I was still not getting enough CoQ 10...but I only NEED 60 mg, so the 100 mg WF capsules should be enough... Doctor's orders were to have at least 60mg of CoQ 10 each day along with Rx.)

Well, I read and read, researched med journals, pubmed, etc. and I was not getting the right FORM of CoQ 10 and was not absorbing the drug properly. I got this UBIQUINOL form and let me tell you, in 48 hours I felt totally different and there is nothing wrong with me and I am not just getting old as everyone under 50 was telling me.... I am back to my old snappy self and feel great...

(Before I could hardly go up and down my 3 flights of stairs once a day.... after being on this for about 7 days, I moved all my summer clothes-junk to the garage and my winter clothes-junk up the stairs in one day... I did those 3 flights of stairs over 12 times... I was laughing in the evening because I was so pleased that I was just normally tired, but still felt like doing other things...)

Admittedly, if you are not taking an Rx that depletes your body of certain molecules or blocks absorption of certain nutrients, then you won't really tell any difference... but for someone like me that is being robbed of nutrients and blocked from the good antioxidants by a necessary prescription drug...then this may be a helpful supplement!

Now, get this... all my research told me that I need to take the Ubiquinol separate from my Rx drug by several hours or a half a day, and with a little bit of fat/butter along with it to help absorb the supplement... I eat dinner and make sure I have a teeny bit of butter on something or even just some small amount of olive oil... and then take my capsule.... the fat molecule is necessary to transport the CoQ 10... it makes sense and does work. And, yes, I went back and tried my old form of CoQ-10 this way and did not work...

This is a great product and very reasonable cost...just remember to take with a small amount of healthy fat to absorb the supplement for your body to utilize... Cheers!

Read Best Reviews of Source Naturals Ubiquinol CoQh 100mg Here

When the outer ligament popped in my knee I had knee surgery. Co Qh helps maintain the flexibility of my knee. Walking is much better and I can walk longer.

Want Source Naturals Ubiquinol CoQh 100mg Discount?

The potency of this brand seems to be higher than the 100mg product I was using previously, as I can definitely tell a difference. It is a little more expensive than some of the other brands sold here, but it is worth the extra cost.

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