Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor with Physician-Accuracy

Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor with Physician-AccuracyThis is a very helpful little device that every parent of a young child should have. I've been using EarCheck for a few years now, and has been accurate every time.

I recently had reason to doubt its results when getting a "4" and "5" readings on my child's ears after pediatrician (actually 2 different doctors within the same practice) told me that both ears are perfectly fine. However, my instinct told me to trust EarCheck over the pediatrician(s), and I insisted on referral to ENT specialist.

The visit to the ENT showed that there WAS fluid in one of the ears (it was clear fluid so there was no infection per se) and the other ear, although there was no fluid, had a "negative pressure" which also makes eardrum not function properly. ENT was concerned enough to send my child for a hearing test to make sure he's hearing fine and able to progress in his speech development. (luckily, by the time of hearing test the problem resolved by itself, Earcheck was showing green light "1" in both ears, and hearing test results were fine)

I recommend this device to any parent of infant/toddler.


recently, after about 3 years my Earcheck stopped functioning. Let me just say it got into the wrong hands. My boys love playing doctor with it, and they don't treat their toys gently... So i took a shot and contacted customer service to see if it could be repaired. The warranty was only for 1 year, and it had definitely been longer than that, so i didn't have much hope... They replied within hours, and told me to send the device to them along with the copy of receipt (which i found in my old e-mails now i know why i never delete anything). A couple of weeks later i received a brand new EarCheck monitor! (wasn't even charged shipping)

My husband and I bought this monitor at the convenience store in a panic one night. It has since come in handy. It is very easy to use incorrectly, so I can understand why the previous poster has gotten false readings. My husband refuses to read the instructions on everything, and thus has used the monitor incorrectly a number of times and gotten false negatives. If you follow the instructions as written, you will get an accurate reading. Since we bought it, our pediatrician has actually recommended this monitor as a good idea to determine whether the antibiotics are working.

Yes, the product is not perfect, but it's helpful.

Buy Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor with Physician-Accuracy Now

We have owned this equipment for over two years, it has not been reliable at all. When my kid's middle ears were flaming red with puss, it gave us a reading of 1 (green). And when our pediatrician visually confirmed that everything was fine, it gave us a 3 or 4 (Consult Doctor). I am not sure if it's supposed to work on adults, but it is not accurate on my wife's ears either. In fact, because of that, we asked my kid's pediatrician to take a look at my wife's ears on one visit, and she confirmed that my wife's ears are okay. It's pretty straight forward to use, and we read the instructions many times. It is just not the product for us.

Read Best Reviews of Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor with Physician-Accuracy Here

Not much else to say. Save your money. I've gotten positive readings on healthy ears and negative readings on unhealthy ears, and varied readings on the same ear at the same time. It's an awfully expensive security blanket.

Want Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor with Physician-Accuracy Discount?

We've had this product for about a month, and so far have had one false negative and two false positives. My mother's intuition works better!

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