Honey Gardens Propolis Spray, 1-Ounce (Pack of 2)

Honey Gardens Propolis Spray, 1-Ounce I have ETD which will get my sinuses roaring under certain conditions. I can't take decongestants. Nasal Steriods help, but Nasalcort is $109! This is a great natural substitute for that. I am also taking Propolis pills as well. I got a book on Propolis. This is a great natural supplement for infections caused by bacteria (including tuberculosis), by viruses (including flu, H1N1 "swine" flu, and the common cold), by fungus, and by single-celled organisms called protozoans. Propolis is also used for cancer of the nose and throat; for boosting the immune system; and for treating gastrointestinal (GI) problems including Helicobacter pylori infection in peptic ulcer disease. Propolis is also used as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.


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