Tincture of Benzoin Ampules - 6 Per Pack

Tincture of Benzoin Ampules - 6 Per PackThese are single use packages of tincture of benzoin, handy to have in first aid kits. My one exposure to this product was when I applied steri-strips to a deep cut. It wasn't deep enough to go for stitches, but I wanted to keep the edges of it pulled together so it could heal without a lot of scarring.

I applied the tincture to the injury (after cleaning and drying it), held the edges of the wound together and then applied the steri-strips. The tincture made a barrier against germs, kept the steri-strip firmly in place, and fell off on its own after a few days. It burned quite a bit for the first 20 seconds after I applied it, but then I didn't notice it anymore.

Be sure to cover the tincture and wound with a bandage this tincture isn't a replacement for a bandage.

Tincture of benzoin is great for improved adhesion for bandages, especially multi-day ones like Tegaderms, and these little ampules make using it very easy for backcountry, emergency situations, or just general home first-aid. They work just like the "sting-sticks" to numb insect stings or bites: just break the inner chamber by squeezing and let gravity pull the tincture into the gauze tip, and apply appropriately. Easy.

Note: Tincture of benzoin is not ideal at all to put in wounds, while it will disinfect, it will hurt because of the alcohol component. Use it around wounds, not in them. Any trained health-care provider will tell you the same thing.

Buy Tincture of Benzoin Ampules - 6 Per Pack Now

I previously had ordered the sticks as they are cheaper. However, we haven't had to use them much so I threw a bunch out. I decided to splurge on these. They are harder for the kids to get into and not as stinky as the sticks.

Read Best Reviews of Tincture of Benzoin Ampules - 6 Per Pack Here

Benzoin Tincture is a skin protectant. It works by forming a barrier over the affected area. I keep this my hiking med kit.

Want Tincture of Benzoin Ampules - 6 Per Pack Discount?

I am re-doing our first aid kits and the benzoin ampules make it so easy to put steri strips on so they stay on longer. I am Nurse and have used these before. I looked all over for them and finally found them on line! How easy can you get! They arrived in a timely manner and I am happy to say so!


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