- Surgical tape
- Performance plus
- Mckesson tape
I have severe arthritis in my neck, shoulders, hand/wrists, spine, knees, and feet. I have had many operations to shore-up the crumbling joints or fasten them in place with titanium and screws. You are probably wondering where all this leads to? Well, all of these operations required bandaging and re-bandaging until the area was healed. At the hospital, they would wrap the area up with tape that remained on or came off before it should have. All of this first aid bandaging of operated areas caused me to make a thorough study of all the bandaging tape on the market. I bought all kinds and makes of tape and then made a mental note on the stress the tape would endure, the length of time it stayed on, if I had any allergic reaction to it, and what part of the body the tape was best used for. I found that some had unusual properties that made them totally unreliable, in some cases, even unsafe, like tearing my skin off when removed! Plus, if you have a tape that is constantly falling off, you are wasting a lot of money and time if you need to re-bandage your wounds over and over. I found that the best material is a tape made of silk, which is very strong and allows the right amount of adhesive to penetrate the fibers. McKesson surgical tape passes all the above tests of quality and then some. It is the best tape you can get!!!!
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