The Complete First Aid Kit - Includes Save-A-Tooth, 100% Made in USA

The Complete First Aid Kit Ansi First Aid Kit, White, 2 PoundI purchased this first aid kit because it was made in the USA and seems to be the best value kit on Amazon anyway. The case looks as though it is at least water resistant, and seems to be of good quality. We're taking it camping, and it seems to be more than up to the job. Afterwards it will be great to have around the house or in the car. Everything inside seems really high quality. I look forward to never needing this kit!


(1) Poly White Box

(1) Save-A-Tooth Preserving System

(75) Assorted Certi-Mix Adhesive Bandages

(4) Certi-Gauze Pads

(10) Antiseptic BZK Towlettes

(10) Certi-Sporyn Antibiotic Cream

(6) Alcohol Gel

(1) Triangular Bandage

(1) Absorbent Compress

(1) Cold Pack Certi-Cool

(1) Rescue Blanket

(1) Certi-Tape

(1) Plastic Forceps

(1 pair) Nitrile Gloves

(2 packages) Ibuprofen 200mg (2 tablets per package)

(1 package) Acetaminophen 500mg (2 tablets per package)

(1) Glow Stick with Lanyard

(1) First Aid Facts Guide

Soooo.....we actually received this gift from my brother in law for the baby shower, and at the time, I remember thinking, "seriously? how boring...and how very cheap of you (I had no idea of the cost at the time)." I just figured this was one of those kits you see at know, the ones on the endcap in the pharmacy that contain like 15 bandaids, either too small to be useful or too big to use unless you did some serious damage, in which case you probably require professional medical attention, and a tube of generic neosporin. I tucked this away in our bathroom and never took it out..until I started my adventure making all of my own babyfood (and once in awhile adult fare). I should mention, I am NOT a cook, nor am I at all graceful...and that combination spells disaster in the kitchen. I cannot explain to you the times that this kit has saved my poor little hands when I needed it, with the appropriately sized bandage, and antibacterial cream. Oh, and when I broke my little toe this week on the edge of the coffee table? Surprise! Medical tape is right there in the kit...something I would NEVER buy until I needed it. And I do feel a little better having things that I would never, ever go out of my way to buy (such as the rescue blanket) around in case of emergency....and so I don't look like a totally neglectful parent. :)

So, long story short, this kit is now mounted in our bathroom (although I should probably relocate it to the kitchen, seeing as I am the one who utilizes it the most..ha!). After pricing out refills at target, I'm probably better off replacing the kit, as I have two boys at home (my son, and my rough and tumble husband) who will undoubtedly need that save a tooth feature sooner or later...sigh. Overall..bravo, brother in actually bought an amazingly useful gift (it pains me to admit this to have no idea).

Buy The Complete First Aid Kit - Includes Save-A-Tooth, 100% Made in USA Now

I was looking for a good first aid kit for my camping pack that bridged the gap between efficient size and diversity of contents. Also, since I work in the healthcare field, I was a bit picky when it came to what contents I needed. This fit the bill!


1) tons of stuff I don't think I need to go into much detail, since the product description lists all of the included items; but from this medical professional's perspective, this contained a great deal of important items.

2) well organized Things are color coded, plastic wrapped, clearly labeled, efficiently spaced, and well packaged. Things are not merely thrown into this kit; they are placed with intent and rationale. Things that go together, are located near each other!

3) extra space in the included box There was an extra few cubic inches in the included box. Whether this was purposefully meant or not, it allows you to throw in a few extra things you may want in your kit. For example, I was able to add iodide tablets, water purification tablets, mesh laundry bags, three vacuum shrunk towels, a 2L plastic water carrier, and a box of waterproof matches.

4) good compromise on size this fits very well in my camping day pack. It takes up enough space to add rigidity to my pack, while not being bulky or oddly-shaped (like my last strange first aid kit).

5) great price for the contents of this kit, the price is outstanding. Nothing more to say about it!


1) Plastic box could be a bit more sturdy the plastic box is about the only thing I would improve on this kit. Definitely not a big deal, but I figured I couldn't write a review without at least one con! The latches that close the box don't feel very sturdy, and I suspect that after several opening and closings of the box, they MAY give out. Of course, this is entirely based on my perception of the box, and not any actual experience.

Overall impression? BUY IT NOW!!!

In my mind this is the perfect 1st aid kit for home, car, camping, workplace, or emergency supplies.

Come on, this thing has 49 reviews all of which are 5 stars... Buy it already!

Read Best Reviews of The Complete First Aid Kit - Includes Save-A-Tooth, 100% Made in USA Here

This is a really good kit. Not perfect, but far better than what is available in drug stores. I outlined the pros and cons below to give a better idea of what the kit is about.

The Good:

Save-A-Tooth I'm required to have Save-A-Tooth in our office and I can definitely see why. There have been at least 3 teeth knocked out since I started, which is pretty incredible. Two came fromthe jungle gym alone. If you are a parent this should absolutely be a part of your first aid kit. Compared with the school catalog cost, the Save-A-Tooth is amazing.

Good Assortment There are still some items I would add but on a price vs. assortment scale this product gets a solid 9.5. Insect sting wipes, ace bandages, glow stick, lancet, rescue blanket, burn cream, splint and tooth saver are not items that you normally find all in one place. This kit has all the right tools for basic emergencies.

Certified Products We are required to have 510K sterile products at the office and certified Safety Manufacturing is the same brand we have on hand. This is great for me since I already know and use the same stuff and I really like the way their products work. I can say from experience that the sliding boxes are very convenient in the metal cabinet I use. I could definitely see myself refilling this box instead of buying a whole new one.

Quality If you haven't tried Certified brand products, you are in for a treat, there's a reason why most nurses buy stuff from the school catalog instead of drug stores. Aside from it being way cheaper, the products are also far superior. For example, Most of the drug store kits have medical tape made of plastic, meaning whatever you put on will be sweaty and gooey by the end of the day. The stuff in this kit is breathable meaning that it stays on and stays cool. Did I mention that I love Certified Products?!

The Bad:

There's not much to say that would prevent me from buying this kit again, but I do have two small gripes that hold it back a little.

No CPR Barrier I see at least one or two CPR emergencies a year in my line of work. This is something I think everyone should have in their kit. To be fair, this item is still very uncommon in most kits still and they are kind of expensive. I would still strongly encourage anyone reading this to add one to this kit.

Poor Instruction Sheet I know what I'm doing. but a lot of people may not. The items do have instructions printed on the boxes but it's FDA formatted which is a little difficult for the average reader. The instruction sheet inside the Save-A-Tooth is a stark contrast. It is fully illustrated and formatted for the average every day person. I wish the main instruction sheet was the same, or even better, combined.

Box needs to be bigger I understand that they are trying to make the kit full, but having the icepack, instructions and glow stick on top limits access to the otherwise very convenient sliding box layout. A bigger box would also mean that other boxes would be ordered from Certified Safety which would make it expandable.

Overall Impression:

Clean white box, 510K sterilization, comes from the USA, sliding boxes, tooth saver, and a good assortment. Instruction sheet and CPR barrier aside, this is a VERY good kit and it really does live up to its "Complete" title. Throw this kit in your cart along with a first aid book and a CPR barrier and you will be all set for home emergencies.

Want The Complete First Aid Kit - Includes Save-A-Tooth, 100% Made in USA Discount?

I tripped and fell while hiking hours into the mountains of patagonia and knocked 4 of my pearly whites right out of my mouth. I was half a days journey away from medical attention. PRAISE JESUS that i happened to have a first aid kit with SAVE A TOOTH in it because I could save my real teeth with this magic solution and never had to pay $1,000 of dollars to get fake ones..Hooray for my real teeth again!


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