Dermabond Single Unit Topical Skin Adhesive .5ml (1 Sealed Vial)

Dermabond Single Unit Topical Skin Adhesive .5mlThis is an excellent item to have in any first aid kit. It's like super glue for the skin. It's a marvelous adhesive doctors use which allows the skin to bond to itself, eliminating the need for stitches. This will be great in an emergency situation.

I do need to give any possible buyer a heads up though. I purchased these for my emergency medical kit specifically as they were being sold as a 2 Pack for a good price. The caveat that they were only individual vials as opposed to a 2 pack was NOT posted on the listing until AFTER I placed the order. How convenient!

I read the listing extremely carefully because I wanted to know why this seller's price was so much lower than anyone elses. It's usually along the lines that you have to take out a second mortgage for the jacked up shipping and handling that it's no more cost effective than some of the other sellers' higher priced item.

However, there was NOTHING in the title or the listing at that time that these were being sold as single units. So, I thought I was receiving 3 two packs, I received 3. Well, now I know. How bogus and sneaky!! So, keep that in mind. You're buying 1 vial, not a 2 pack. Heck, even the picture still advertises it as a two pack.

~ jade ~

It's the same stuff you get at the doc, but way cheaper than paying your deducible & way easier than waiting 4 hours in an ER with a bunch of crack heads. I have a few in our first aid kit.

Buy Dermabond Single Unit Topical Skin Adhesive .5ml (1 Sealed Vial) Now


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