Tecnu Outdoor Skin Cleanser, 4-Ounce

Tecnu Outdoor Skin Cleanser, 4-OuncePoison ivy sucks. I just thought I'd share that bit of wisdom to start my review of this product to let you know that I have major sympathy for you.

I seem to be the only person to date that has rated this product at anything less than a 5. I was also inclined to rate Tecnu at a 5 but chose 4 to indicate that this isn't a miracle cure. And though it isn't a miracle cure, Tecnu is the best thing I've found and I've tried many other products, doctor prescribed and OTC.

The key to Tecnu sucess is as follows: If you know, or even suspect, you have poison ivy/oak/sumac you need to scrub with Tecnu, rinse, scrub with Tecnu, rinse, and repeat until you're just tired of scrubbing. And I mean SCRUB as if you can imagine you're trying to get the stickiest, dirtiest, tar off your skin. Nothing good can happen until that urushiol oil is off your skin. This can even be done once the rash first appears, which usually shows 2 days after I've been in it for me. By this point the Tecnu won't stop the rash from appearing but really helps limit the severity of the rash, the spread of the rash, and, thus, speeds the recovery.

If the rash has already gotten to the blistering stage then I think Tecnu isn't as helpful. Only because by that point the poison ivy has done it's damage and it's pretty hard to scrub blisters. I'd still scrub with Tecnu anyway to at least minimize spreading.

If you live or frequent an area that is known to have poison ivy, then you should have this product in your bathroom cabinet no excuses.

Good luck with that rash!

Itchy Mike

I first discovered this product about three years ago, two weeks after discovering I was allergic to poison ivy again. In total misery because it had spread and spread and spread and nothing would work to stop it, I went to the store desperate to find anything and spend (almost) any amount of money. The person working there suggested I try the Tecnu with the CalaGel. I started using it immediately, and within a day or so the itching had almost completely subsided (with use of the CalaGel) and the rash was starting to go away. (Note that this was after it had been spreading nonstop for two weeks, and my next stop was the doctor.) Now, my husband and I use it every time we work out in the yard, and we don't have any more problems. The only complaint I have is how hard it is to find in the stores, and most stores only carry the 4oz bottle. If you regularly work in areas where poison ivy exists, you will need a larger bottle.

Buy Tecnu Outdoor Skin Cleanser, 4-Ounce Now

This is the best product for washing with poison ivy, the product is amazing. I always have more than one bottle ready for the beginning of summer just in case! The seller was prompt with shipping the product. Would recommend to other buyers.

Read Best Reviews of Tecnu Outdoor Skin Cleanser, 4-Ounce Here

Great Stuff! Nothing but smiles here. My poison ivy was to the slightly painful blistering, nevermind the itching, and transfer stage. A neighbor recommended Tecnu and after the 1st application I had tremendous relief. Applied twice more over the next 12 hours when getting slightly itchy again. That was it, all gone except for some red marks. I am confident that I will not be suffering from poison ivy in the future.

Thanks Tecnu!

Want Tecnu Outdoor Skin Cleanser, 4-Ounce Discount?

Although I used this product while riding my MTB bike I still got exposed, so it did not really protect me as claimed. I would not buy this item again.

Save 22% Off


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