Nutribiotic - First Aid Skin Spray, 4 fl oz spray

Nutribiotic - First Aid Skin Spray, 4 fl oz sprayThis first aid spray is the bees' knees! If I was stranded on an island and could have only one multi-purpose first aid spray, this would be the one. This spray has only 5 ingredients: Water, a little alcohol, grapefruit seed extract, and the essential oils of tea tree and lemon. That's it. No polysyllabic chemicals, no parabens, no Sodium Laurel Sulfate, no DEA (Diethanolamine), no petroleum-based oils or other carcinogenic or estrogen-inducing junk (the bad 2-OHE form, not the important 16'-OHE1 form, ladies!) This spray by Nutribiotics is about as natural as it comes.

Not only is it natural, it is extremely effective. One of its best uses is to stop itching. I've compared its effectiveness side-by-side on mosquito bites with benedryl lotion, calamine lotion, and cortisone cream, and the Nutribiotic spray wins, hands down. Not only does it control itch as well or better than any of these other things, but it lasts far longer than all of them. Put the spray on a bug bite or poison ivy rash, etc., and that one application will probably control the itch for 8 to 10 hours or longer without need for re-application.

Both tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract are outstanding germicidal agents, so on minor cuts, burns and scrapes, I reach for the spray now where I used to go for whatever triple antibiotic ointment I happened to have in the medicine cabinet. Because of the essential oils it contains, not only is it effective in controlling the pain of sunburn, but the oils actually help to keep the affected skin areas hydrated, hence speeding the recovery from sunburn.

One personal tip I'll pass along that I've found beneficial is to take a new bottle of the spray and add to it about 2 or 3 small eye-droppers full of a good, natural vitamin E oil (for purity it's hard to go wrong with Sundown Naturals Pure Vitamin E Oil, 70000 IU 2.5 fl oz), and about the same of a natural vitamin D3 oil (a good choice here is Carlson Labs Ddrops Liquid Vitamin D3 4000 IU). In addition to being potent antioxidants and topical skin healers, it helps add to your vitamin D levels by absorbing the D3 directly though the skin, exactly as the body was designed to do after exposure to sunlight. It's a tough combination to beat.

With or without my own personal modifications, the Nutribiotis spray gets a big two thumbs up!

I've used it for all scrapes, cuts, infection and on my dog.

Also seems to help keep down sebhoreic caratoses, rough patches on skin.

Buy Nutribiotic - First Aid Skin Spray, 4 fl oz spray Now

I was looking up ingredients for a home recipe for "teet wash" to clean/ sanitize a goat or cow's teet after it's been milked. The process of milking opens up the teet and exposes it to infection/contamination for a few hours afterwards, until the tissue returns to normal. At a diary they clean the udder then dip the teet in a cup of antiseptic with a waxy base to seal off the teet and prevent foreign objects (cow pooh!) from getting into the orifice. Not only could germs cause mastitis, but if eColi gets into the teet it could infect the milk.

This first aid spray has the same ingredients that my county extension agent suggested for "make it at home" version that is easier on the animals and less likely to create an environment for antibiotic resistant pathogens. I spray four teets twice a day and each little four oz spray bottle lasts me over a month.

How does this relate to YOUR needs? The ingredients in this spray will help reduce bacteria to a minimal level that even a child's immune system can handle, without wiping out ALL of the bacteria including the beneficial bacteria we need to keep healthy. The oils will help keep out bacteria and fungus etc... until the body has had a chance to close over the wound, and the soothing ingredients will help reduce the local inflammation as well as your pain/itch.

I use this for myself, as well as the goats. It keeps the skin healthy and resilient. Using this product I only needed to use an emollient like Bag Balm a couple of times this winter even when the goats were spending their days outside in the snow.

I'm a huge fan!

Read Best Reviews of Nutribiotic - First Aid Skin Spray, 4 fl oz spray Here

I will not be without this product. It works on any type of cut, scrape or scratch. It is excellent and contains no problem ingredients.

Want Nutribiotic - First Aid Skin Spray, 4 fl oz spray Discount?

This grapefruit seed extract skin spray is great for cuts and scrapes it makes them heal so quickly and there are no yukky chemicals.

Save 25% Off


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