Country Comfort Herbal Savvy Goldenseal Myrrh

COUNTRY COMFORT Herbal Savvy Goldenseal Myrrh 2 OZI wish I could give this product 7 or 8 stars! I have used this stuff for years to treat athlete's foot. At work I'm in my sweaty boots for 12 hours at a stretch, and whenever I get the seemingly inevitable tinea pedis infection, I know I can count on goldenseal. Its antifungal properties beat all those over-the-counter athlete's foot products by a mile. You have to use most of them for ten days or longer. Goldenseal works for me usually in three to four days.

I have been purchasing this item "Herbal Savvy" with Goldenseal and Myrrh since the late 80's --why?, It works!. If you have burns, cuts, hemmoroids, dry skin,just about anything. It doesn't have a good smell, not bad either so it's not like a strong medicinal fragrance that people will notice or perfumy. It absorbs pretty quickly, it's kinda creamy not runny, a caramel color cream/paste type. I bought it here on Amazon and it was cheaper than buying direct from the company or driving to the health food store I used to drive to,I can't find it everywhere so Thank goodness for Amazon!!.

Buy Country Comfort Herbal Savvy Goldenseal Myrrh Now

a friend highly recommended SAVVY for a local tomkittycat that has a tendency to come home mornings with a few cuts & scrapes saying it worked miracles on 'tigger'.i tried it on me as i, too,occasionally come home from road bike rides with rasberrys,etc.and found it works for every kind of abrasion,itch,bugbite and roadrash.heals almost instantly. .very it,if not for the pets for the you & kids. it really works...:-))

Read Best Reviews of Country Comfort Herbal Savvy Goldenseal Myrrh Here

Myrrh is an ancient, natural ointment which works for almost any skin problem. It is great for everything from dry skin to wounds. It also works very quickly. Better than anything you can get at the store. You may find it expensive, but it is well worth it. Especially because you only have to use a little bit. So, although the jar is small, it lasts a long time. Huge thumbs up from me!!!!!!!!!!!

Want Country Comfort Herbal Savvy Goldenseal Myrrh Discount?

Like it lots, it's not a creme but an ointment, it melts as you touch it into an oil, a thin film is enough to be applied, doesn't drip.

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