Sanar Naturals Colon Cleanser 2002 Dietary Supplement 450 mg Capsules Capsules

Sanar Naturals Colon Cleanser 2002 Dietary Supplement 450 mg Capsules CapsulesI was in walmart the other day shopping for food for my apartment and i really wanted to buy probiotics because I haven't been regular in a long time and Ive been gassey...I'm a college student so mostly I live off junk and fast food and not only that . . . the holidays just passed and I ate really well but since I live on my own and in school im always low on funds so the probiotics was out of my price range.... I saw these cheap pills for 7 bucks and I hate cheap pills because I believe they don't work but I got them anyway because that's all I can afford.... The night before was my first day of using this item..that same night I had to use the bathroom and the next day was my first time in a very long time to have 4 to 5 bowl movements in a day... Make sure you drink plenty of water because it will help make the pills work....I work out 5 days a week so I'm unsure if it's the activities that helps also .... But I been struggling to loose these last 5 lbs before my birthday and I'm pretty sure the scale wasn't moving because I was backed up... But I feel lighter after my first use... Usually you suppose to weight yourself in the morning but I decided to weight myself after my last meal just to my weight on a full stomach verses a empty one....... So the 5lbs I was struggling with ended up being 7 lbs of water weight and me being backed up...please don't say I think this person is lieing because I'm not..... I haven't been regular with bowel movements in a long time and I believe this product helped me big time!

This product is a great laxative, and it also relieves gas. I take two tablets every evening before bedtime and have become regular with no negative side effects. Great product.

Buy Sanar Naturals Colon Cleanser 2002 Dietary Supplement 450 mg Capsules Capsules Now

I have been very pleased with the results from using Sanar's Colon Cleanse. I have suffered from constipation all my life as well as IBS. This has helped, I now have a BM every morning like clock work. Highly recommend.

Read Best Reviews of Sanar Naturals Colon Cleanser 2002 Dietary Supplement 450 mg Capsules Capsules Here

The product it self did not work for me. Its been a month i dont like them i just wanna hurry up and finish the cleanse.

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