ELASTIKON Elastic Tape: 3'' x 180''-Box of 4 By Johnson & Johnson

ELASTIKON Elastic Tape: 3'' x 180''-Box of 4 By Johnson & JohnsonThis tape is works well for its intended use, binding muscles or tendons as with an Ace bandage.

It is also handy over a wound dressing, over sterile tape, as its ability to stretch with the skin helps it to adhere well, so long as its lengthwise stretch direction is aligned with the direction of skin stretch.

A downside is that it sticks so well that it can be hard to get the adhesive residue off the skin. It will come off with rubbing alchohol and/or mineral oil, though, with some scrubbing.

I am a gymnast with achilles tendinitis, and I love this tape because it practically gives me a new achiles

Buy ELASTIKON Elastic Tape: 3'' x 180''-Box of 4 By Johnson & Johnson Now


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