CRUTCH FOREARM G05161 PR 1PRI'm pretty hard on my crutches. Though I'm not as active as I used to be, I weigh more than ever and I still take the last two stair-steps with a measure of abandon. And over the years it's been Guardian crutches that got me where I needed to go.

I don't know of a more durable adjustable crutch.

I've always had trouble with OTHER crutches that oval-out; the peg that holds the metal tubes at the correct length eventually begins to dig into the tubing, and soon the crutches are making that clicking sound that haunts every step. On OTHER crutches I've also had trouble with the end of the tubing wearing out and digging into the crutch tip. Sure, I can grind the tubing flat again, but I'd rather prevent the problem.

GUARDIAN crutches seem to be made of tougher stuff. Are they? I don't know. But I know I'll get my money's worth before I finally retire them to back-up status. (By the way, I pair my crutches with Tornado Gel Tips by Fetterman.)

If you've never tried these crutches before, I urge you to give them a shot sometime.


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