Baby Nose Clear Room Vapor

Baby Nose Clear Room VaporAfter reading information on how it is not recommended to use Vick's products on a baby under 3 months of age, I decided to purchase this product due to the 'all natural' factor for my 2 month old. I used a few drops in the Vick's vaporizer we have been using for our baby's congestion, and in my opinion, it made the room smell like a wet mop dipped in Pine-Sol cleaning solution. It didn't make a difference in clearing my baby's congestion, as when I didn't apply anything in the Vick's solution chamber of the vaporizer and just relied on the steam of water alone.

My new granddaughter got her first bad cold at 5 months old, and has been congested off and on since. I bought this all-natural product and a vaporizer for her room. Just a couple of drops in the meds cup of the vaporizer overnight and she wakes up breathing so much better! I hope Amazon gets more of these drops because they were well worth the price for my sweet grandbaby to be able to breathe easily again!

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