Mackenzies Smelling Salts 17 ml

Mackenzies Smelling Salts 17 mlMacKenzies smelling salts are the ultimate for those in need. My wife has used them over 70 years. If U R interested, buy them!

Long ago my father told me that if he was driving and began to feel sleepy that he would take a whiff of smelling salts to regain his alertness. I have used his suggestion many times over the years. Recently I have been unable to find smelling salts in retail pharmacies, so I was delighted to see that they are available from MacKenzies smelling salts are perfect for the use I make of them. They are sufficiently strong and there is no liquid in the bottle, so there is no chance of spills.

Buy Mackenzies Smelling Salts 17 ml Now

As a person who suffers nausea, nasal congestion, sinus pressure and all manner of other ailments, these smelling salts cannot be beaten for effectiveness. My Irish Granny turned me on to these when I was quite young..she always carried them in her sweater pocket to clear her head!

Read Best Reviews of Mackenzies Smelling Salts 17 ml Here

No complaints, this stuff works wonderfully, just don't inhale too hard. It also lasts a very long time. 20 char

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Delivery was fast and efficien. However the product was deficient because the smelling salts were weamer than usual and very soon got weaker in all four bottles than older bottles of the same product I had at home.


Emilio Alvarez-Recio


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