Flexitol Heel Balm

Flexitol Heel Balm 2 ozI went to the podiatrist.. She gave me some cream in a giant tube that cost $90. It was similar to smearing axle grease on your feet..

This product works just as well if not better, and much easier to apply and it's not as greasy. I think I picked the value size up for $9.95.

Here's a hint for all you folks that may not know.. If you do this you will increase the effectiveness of this stuff 100% if you have a really bad dry foot problem.

Apply a liberal amount of this to your heels or feet before you go to bed, loosely wrap saran or other plastic wrap around your feet, then cover with socks. Sleep this way. The remove the wrap in the morning, then dry your new feet. The key to healing your skin is moisture. The wrap holds the moisture in.

In addition if you have a real problem that this wont fix, you may have a fungal infection. Apply a small amount of Lamisil cream or other athletes foot cream under the Flexitol.

Try one of these as well to buff off dry skin after you bathe or shower (it can also be used dry).

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Then apply the flexitol.

Using these tips will solve practically any dry, or built up callus problem you have. And will leave you with feet you'll want to show off to everyone in the spring. Well almost. LOL

Although I did not purchase this product from amazon I have bought other foot creams through amazon and they just did nothing for my feet. I will not write a good review if I don't believe in a product if you use this foot cream daily 2x it does work. Every year especially in the winter I get really dry cracked painful heels. I for the first time in along time have soft crack free heels. I have found my answer so I don't have to search anymore for a solution, because for me this was it. I would highly highly recommend this heel balm.

Buy Flexitol Heel Balm Now

I have tried many creams for dried, cracking heels. My podiatrist reccomended this one and I tried it not expecting much.This cream made a huge diference in just a few days.This is my first product review and I do reccomend this whole heartedly.

Read Best Reviews of Flexitol Heel Balm Here

This is a great product but not quite as greasy, or as effective as the older formulation. It seems that Flexitol still makes that formulation but now markets it as Flexitol Diabetic Foot Balm 4 oz

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It really is crazy how quickly this product works. I've had deep heel cracks for a few years and have tried the usual: moisturizer, exfoliate, no open back shoes, etc. without any significant change in my heels. I found a website that mentioned Flexitol Heel balm along with a routine that has almost completely healed them (no pun intended) in 6 days. The first day, I used a pumice stone/ heel file and got rid of the dead skin after soaking my feet for 30 minutes. Put on the heel balm, wore socks, then reapplied at night. I've only used the file twice...however, I've applied the lotion religiously morning and night and I'm stupefiedno more pain and only the tiniest of cracks left. I just got sick of dealing with the pain/hassle and now I just wish I'd found this product sooner.

An earlier reviewer seems to find fault with the new formulationall I've used is the new product so I can't comment on what it was like beforeI just know it works now!

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