First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream 12 oz

First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream 12 ozI have had plaque psoriasis on my elbows, legs, knees, and assorted smaller spots everywhere for years. I've filled and used dozens of prescription creams and gels from the dermatologist, with little result. The prescription topicals have sometimes helped a little, but never made the plaque scales disappear or approached anything that resembles "a cure." Well, welcome to a miracle! This stuff will not cure you overnight, but after the first week of diligent use, I saw improvement on the largest most unsightly patch I have: on my calf. Nope, no Capri pants or shorts for me, as it's been years since my lower legs were unblemished by the hideous effects of psoriasis. However, First Aid Beauty's Ultra Repair Cream is clearing up my calf and elbows. Again, it's not completely gone, but after 6 weeks of regular use (almost daily), I could actually wear sheer hose with a knee-length dress if I wanted to. So, this cream has become my salvation, and while I do not know if it will work for you, I hope it does. The 12-ounce jar is the way to go once you know it works for you. It is available here on Amazon, at QVC, at Sephora, and You may wish to try the small 2-ounce tube first to see if your psoriasis, dry, plaque covered skin has the same positive result as mine. I hope it does! I have also used the First Aid Beauty Anti-Redness Serum for a short time to help the rosacea on my face. Jury is still out on that one.First Aid Beauty Anti-Redness Serum 1.7 oz

I can't even praise this cream enough. Every winter, I get BAD eczema flair ups on my fingers. I don't mean just the mild skin cracking, either. The skin between my fingers and around my nails gets dry and so cracked that it bleeds. The only thing that ever "clears it up" is an oral steroid regiment, that does horrible things to my body. They also have me put cortisone cream on my hands and wrap them up at night, which greatly thins out the skin. I've resorted to all kinds of over the counter things as well, and nothing has really worked.

Enter the First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream. WOW! I saw this on the air one day and one of the callers mentioned that she gets it for her grandson who gets bad eczema. So I figured what the heck. I have spent hundreds of dollars, at least $400, on creams and prescriptions. I might as well give it a shot. I got it in the mail and rubbed some on my hands. It stung really bad because I had many open cracks on my hands, so I immediately washed it off. My husband got home later on and told me that I should give it another shot. Before I went to bed, I washed my hands with Cetaphil like normal, and then slathered the repair cream on. I won't lie. It stung like the dickens. But I sat down on the couch and held my hands out in front of me and within 45 seconds or so, it stopped! My husband then put some white cotton manicure gloves on for me, and I went to bed.

I can't even begin to describe what I saw the next morning. I got up and took the gloves off and washed my hands again. As I washed them, all of that dry, scaly skin just came right off. A good number of the smaller cracks had even closed up, making the simple task of washing my hands even easier. I then put a thin layer on my hands and went about my day. I put a little more on at lunch time, and then repeated the bedtime ritual again that night. After about a week, my hands are almost completely cleared. The spots that had the scaly skin are still pink, but not nearly as noticeable. And ALL of the cracks have healed up.

While I'm sure that there are plenty of people that this won't work for, it has been a miracle for me. I can leave my house without gloves on, and not worry about people seeing my hands. They were always so embarrassing. So if you have eczema and are on the fence about this, I'd say give it a try. You're likely a lot like me and have spent more money than you care to admit on "cures". Given that the areas are still pink, I don't think that my hands will be alright until the summer again. But this cream sure has taken the edge off, and doesn't have the nasty side effects of the cortisone creams.

Buy First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream 12 oz Now

This is probably the best of the best....... and I've tried most of the creams out there !!!! Works wonders and doesnt leave you with that greasy feeling. I've stopped looking...... finally found a cream that works !!!!First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream 6 oz

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