Clearblue Easy-Digital Ovulation Test, 14 Test (2 Pack)

Clearblue Easy-Digital Ovulation Test, 14 TestThis is a wonderful, accurate product! If you've ever used OPKs where you have to distinguish between the control line and the test line is it darker? what if it's the same color?, etc. you know the pain. With this digital OPK, all you have to do is wait for the Smiley face to pop up to know it's positive. It's a little more expensive than regular OPKs, but well worth the energy it saves you in the long run.

Ladies, I have never written a review before on here. I told my husband if these work, I would promise to write a review. If your TTC and are eager, please buy this test. Now start right away to test. I will tell you why. Almost always we are told our ovulation is around day 14-21 (28 day cycle) right? I was aiming for that for months, nothing. I finally tried this test. I got a smiley face DAY 10-11!!!!! We did the baby dance days 10,11,12,13. By day 14 my breasts were killing me. I knew something was up. The following week, one week after my suspected ovulation occurred and 5 days before I was supposed to even think to take a "early" pregnancy test, I got a BIG FAT POSITIVE! First month, first try, bing bang boom....ladies, it works!!!!

Buy Clearblue Easy-Digital Ovulation Test, 14 Test (2 Pack) Now

After TTC for a year with non digital ovulation predictor kits this digital kit is a relief. No more staring at lines trying to figure out if they are the same or not. I LOVE these and will never go back. What could be better than seeing a smiley face when you are about to ovulate. These are the best and well worth the money!

Read Best Reviews of Clearblue Easy-Digital Ovulation Test, 14 Test (2 Pack) Here

those tests with the lines are NOT worth the money you save to me they are worthless they are worse than using nothing and just guessing because when you are not sure of the way the lines look than aren't you guessing anyways? put out the money for this one IT IS GREAT i have never used such a great product worth the extra money no guess work!!

Want Clearblue Easy-Digital Ovulation Test, 14 Test (2 Pack) Discount?

I have used the ovulation sticks with the lines a few time and never got a clear reading. I started wondering if I even ovulated. I saw the Clear Blue Easy Ovulation kit and thought I would give it a try. This was such a smart move!! I tested twice a day once in the morning and once around 5:30 p.m. On day 15 there was that wonderful smiley face. It was there that evening and first thing on the 16th. It took a real weight off my back. They are a little pricey but it was worth the stress it relieved. I had to use two boxes to test twice a day.


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