Brown Recluse First Aid Kit

Brown Recluse First Aid KitI live in an area where brown recluse spiders live and I'm constantly on my guard for them. But this kit not only works on recluse bites it works on any poisonous spider bite. I had a poisonous Australian spider crawl into my shirt on an airplane and bite me six times. The venom was beginning to cause tissue damage but this kit reversed the damage and my skin healed completely. The proof is on my skin. This stuff works!

I ordered this product about 7 years ago and stashed it away. This morning I woke up to a nasty spider bite on my leg, it was large, spreading and starting to hurt.. I followed the directions wondering if it was still good after all this time... three poultice changes later and it is pulling out all the venom, it's incredible watching this nasty bite wound go in reverse b/c of this kit.. anyone living in a spidery area should keep this on hand. I will be ordering more!

Buy Brown Recluse First Aid Kit Now

I feel a little ripped off, the active carbon is super cheap in the store, perhaps they should sell the liquid by itself?

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