AMK After Bite The Itch Eraser

AMK After Bite The Itch EraserThis stuff REALLY works! I'm one of those people who seem to attract mosquitos more than others. And I'm allergic to the proteins, digestive enzymes, and anticoagulants the little suckers use in preparing their meal. So when I get bit, it usually turns into something REALLY big and REALLY itchy. I've tried various anti-itch creams as well as hydrocortisone -all of which work, sort of. But NOTHING works as well as AfterBite. The itching just .... stops. And it works for several hours.

Yes, it's ammonia -mixed with a little oil -and it totally works with little or no "ammonia" odor. I'm sold, completely. Highly recommend.

This product gives instant substantial relief following a mosquito bite. I have used alcohol after bites my whole life. This is much more itch relief instantly. This is great if you are outside during the biting season. I keep one in the vehicle all the time now. Just dab it on and Ahhhhhhhh! The relief.

Buy AMK After Bite The Itch Eraser Now

Yes, I know it's just ammonia. Point is, it works! And how else are you going to get ammonia on a bunch of bites w/o having to deal with the smell?

Read Best Reviews of AMK After Bite The Itch Eraser Here

I am allergic to mosquito bites and this product is amazing. One dab and the itch is gone! It contains dilute ammonia so you won't want to use it on your face but it's a must-have for those plagued by those blood suckers. I always make sure to bring it with me camping.

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I am a former climber and current fisherman and have spent large quantities of time in the outdoors. I usually get at least one bee or yellow jacket sting during these forays. I have tried numerous products but no other has provided the near instant relief given by this product. I am at the point where I almost would not make the trip if I did not have After Bite with me and in my pocket ready to use.

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