Band-Aid Brand Adhesive Bandages, Finger-care Assorted, 20 Count (Pack of 6)

Band-Aid Brand Adhesive Bandages, Finger-care Assorted,  20 CountReally like these. I'm constantly getting cracked skin on my knuckles and these cover well, are flexible, and water resistant enough to last a couple days. Great band-aids for your knuckles and finger tips. I only wish they sold the knuckles and fingertips separately, as I always run through the knuckles and have extra finger tips....

I wish there were more of the H-shaped bandages and fewer of the other type. The bandages seem more water resistant than waterproof as they keep water out initially but do fall off afterwards without being submerged in water. They are also much thinner than I expected but maybe that's how bandages are these days.

Buy Band-Aid Brand Adhesive Bandages, Finger-care Assorted, 20 Count (Pack of 6) Now

One A Day Women's Prenatal Vitamins

One A Day Women's Prenatal VitaminsI have been taking these for over a year now, and honestly they work the best for me. I am not pregnant, but my husband and I are planning on starting a family in the near future. I have tried several prenatal vitamins and for some reason they ALL made me sick to my stomach, even if I ate a large dinner right before I took them. I even had this problem with regular multivitamins and the regular One A Day Women make me sick too! With these, I haven't had any problems. I just take them at night right before I go to bed. There is no funny taste, they're easy for me to swallow, and best of all they don't make me sick!

I also did a lot of research on vitamins and found these vitamins to be very close to containing the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals. Even if they are a little under or just right, the everyday foods you should be eating for a healthy balanced diet also contain these vitamins and minerals as I wouldn't worry too much about that. A good resources to find which foods contain the vitamins and minerals needed for pregnancy is "What to Expect Before You're Expecting". I found it very informative and an easy read. Some pre-pregnancy books are way over the top for me. After all, women have been having babies well before us. :)

I'm pregnant with my second child and was prescribed prescription prenatal vitamins with my first pregnancy five years ago. I bought these because my prescription vitamins came in two pill forms, just as these multi-vitamin and the other DHA in a liquid capsule. I guess the DHA pill is kind of large, but I've never had a problem taking pills and I just take it with plenty of water. I take my vitamins every night before bed and I don't know why people insist on taking them in the morning if they are more likely to make you sick! EASY FIX...TAKE THEM AT NIGHT! I've never had a problem with them and wake up feeling fine in the morning.

Buy One A Day Women's Prenatal Vitamins Now

The One A Day Prenatal with DHA "Now 50% Smaller Liquid Gel" vitamins do not advertise that the DHA supplement also has a fraction of the nutrition in the full size One A Day DHA gel tablet.

Original gel tablet:

EPA 240 mg

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 440mg

DHA 240 mg

50% smaller gel tablet:

EPA 23mg

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 223mg

DHA 200mg

The recommended EPA for a pregnant woman is 200mg a day. The new pill has 23mg! And this is One A Day. When I purchased this product from my local pharmacy, it was mixed within the original size gel packages; they were being sold as the same item and had the same SKU on my reciept. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME! You will not be recieving sufficient nutrients with the 50% smaller gel tablets. Do not buy them!

Read Best Reviews of One A Day Women's Prenatal Vitamins Here

This prenatal has the recommended amount of supplements according to WebMD, (with the slight exception of some Vitamin C and Thiamin but there are near perfect levels).

Vitamins make some women sick. Pregnancy makes some women sick. Each woman is different so I would venture to say that if you take vitamins on an empty stomach (in the morning), yeah, you aren't going to feel good. Some might feel fine its all relative. Its recommended that you take this vitamin with food (like most vitamins), and that is definitely advice to live by.

Other complications can come into play in pregnancy, so when I see reviews with comments like ("I feel hot and dizzy, I am bleeding, I have a headache I took my vitamin 30 minutes ago so that MUST be the reason!") I have to wonder about fear and irrational thinking coming into play. Maybe its the vitamin, but most likely its your pregnancy. There can be some scary complications in pregnancy and women don't have much control over them, so its understandable that they want to find something to blame. Not to say that certain supplements don't interfere with some women's make-up... but in general, these vitamins probably work for 95% of its users. Maybe 99%, I dunno I don't do statistics.

The complaints about the fish oil in the DHA supplement: I usually have these during lunch, and I just don't notice any kind of odd breath, burping, or odor. Maybe I am just gross and don't notice? :) Hah.

I also commend this brand on its relative price value compared to other brands that contain less of the main essentials that are of paramount importance (folic acid, iron, calcium).

Want One A Day Women's Prenatal Vitamins Discount?

I have tried several different prenatals. They either made me sick or constipated. These have magnesium which helps with the constipation. I don't take the DHA .. just the prenatal.

First Aid Gel Lg, 2 oz ( Multi-Pack)

First Aid Gel Lg, 2 ozThe product works great but unfortunately the package was not boxed as it should being sent to a very cold state. Both glass bottles had frozen & cracked the whole bottle so the product had shattered glass in it :(. Used this product many times & it works amazingly well.

so I needed to buy it online.

Obviously, I like the product, or else I wouldn't have been searching for an online source.

The product arrived before the Amazon emails said it was even shipped. I bought it on a Thursday (after business hours). I didn't check my mail on Monday, but the box was there on Tuesday. Amazon said the product would be shipped on Wednesday, and would arrive a week later.


A note for all first time silver users


Don't believe the hype. Be realistic. One drop is not going to instantly cure your AIDS and Herpes and Spinal Meningitis and menstrual cramps and childhood obesity, all at the same time. But it is a powerful, and natural, germ killer. And it will cure (yes, I used the C word) things that medications cannot, or that they can only 'treat'.


You need to know the difference between acne caused by being dirty and viral acne. You also need to know the difference between cured and healed. Skin needs to repair itself, so you're going to need to wait a few days for redness and swelling to disappear.

You need to know the difference between diseases like Parkinson's and the flu. One is a germ, one is not. Silver only works on one. But your runny nose from the flu is your body's way of helping. A cough from phlegm in the lungs will last for days after being cured. It doesn't mean that you are sick, it just means that you need to cough it out of you. Sort of like throwing a party. Party is over, but the trash remains, until you clean it up.

I have seen people wonder why their STD keeps coming back. Maybe you're reinfecting yourself by sleeping with the same infected person! or by using the same razor and toothbrush.

I could give hundreds of examples, but no one really reads long Amazon reviews. lol


Again, silver works, but:

be realistic in your expectations,

know why you're using it, and

trust the manufacturer because some of them are selling cheap Chinese knockoffs.

Buy First Aid Gel Lg, 2 oz ( Multi-Pack) Now

MABIS Tape Measure

MABIS Tape Measure, BlueTape-measures for sewing, in my experience, are often without coverings. Lose, they must be folded and refolded, and finally bound with a rubber-band, to prevent tangles. The better ones are made of fiberglass or flexible plastic, (as is this MABIS tape-measure), but many are made just of a thick paper stock -easily torn and so, quickly useless.

Tape measures for building purposes, however, come in nice, protective housing, (as does this MABIS tape measure), and are SO conveniently retractible -but they are made of metal, and so do not have the flexibility needed for sewing or health purposes.

This nice little MABUS tape-measure, however, combines the advantages of the flexible, sewing-and-health, superiour fiberglass

tape-measure, with the protective housing, (and full retractibility!), of the building-construction tape-measures, at a very reasonable cost!

True, the tape measure, inside the housing, is only 5/16" wide -a bit less than is found in many "non-housed" sewing/health tape measures. But it is perfectly adequate for most purpose. Too, this tape-measure is WHITE, with red printing -a bit different from the usual yellow, with black printing that I have seen on other, flexible sewing/health tape-measures. But the red is a nice dark red, and is easily seen when in use. This tape measure also has metric measuring on the reverse side, something which all tape measures -whether made of fiberglass for sewing/health purposes, or made of metal, for building should definitely have. This MABIS tape measure is a full 60" in length, but there is also a convenient 12/16" of extra, non-measured tape at the beginning, and slightly more than a full inch of extra, non-measured tape at the end, for even more accurate, and easier measuring.

To use this tape-measure corretly, hold down the tob button, draw out the required amount of tape, then release the button. The tape will stay out of the housing for use! When you are finished using it, simply press the button again, and the tape will wind itself into the housing. (And do so very quickly!)

This retractible tape measure, as with all retractible tape measures, works with an inner-spring. It is easy for a child to mistake this tape-measure for a toy -and for a playful/creative adult, (even fully realizing it is NOT a toy), to play play with it as a toy, nonetheless. Or, it can all-too-easily be used as an "executive toy", to help banish modds of nervousness or agressiveness. But the spring inside is NOT indestructible! It can break, easily, if misued! This is a SEWING/HEALTH device -and NOT a toy! If the buyer wishes this device to last for many years, I suggest it not be used for anthing else than for sewing/ health purposes!

All in all, this is a nice product for the price! And, at approximately 2 1/8" in diameter, it neatly fits into even the smallest of hands!, SO, it is definitely a real winner!

A pretty good product. The tape gives you inches and centimeters, which is always nice, and the tape itself is small enough to fit between any bumps or rolls you might have. The small size is perfect for a travel sewing case (fits right in the palm of your hand).

I highly recommend this product for those who make clothing or for those who just want to keep tabs on their body size.

Buy MABIS Tape Measure Now

Not to much to review. I'm satisfied with the measure. It did the job I needed it to do, which is take my measurements. There is a button that locks the tape in place which is a nice feature. I recommend this measure to any one needed one that's cheap and easy to use.

Read Best Reviews of MABIS Tape Measure Here

...cause there's nothing holding this together.

Why? Well, the outside of this retractable tape measure are two fitted shell pieces. And by "fitted", I mean it's not even screwed together like the lid of a jar. I mean it's like a hamburger where the top bun cups onto the the bottom bun and there's not even any ketchup to work as a pathetic adhesive.

This is a problem because this thing's selling point is its ability to retract the tape measure. The retraction is enabled by this thin and sharp metal strip coiled up inside, dying to be set free. This product is so small and light that dropping it is like dropping a plastic soda bottle, which shouldn't hurt the product one bit. But the shell is so weak that dropping it will just make it explode open on impact due to the metal coil inside.

Another way is that it'll pop open when you pull the tape out too fast at an angle (which is what happened to me). Oh, and please DO NOT give this to kids because the thin metal strip inside of it can cut them if it escapes. The only bright side I can see if this breaks is that you can easily take out the measuring tape and continue using it as is, because it isn't tied or glued into the container.

But if you wanted something retractable, you're better off looking elsewhere.

Want MABIS Tape Measure Discount?

This tape measurer came extremely slowly and it broke so that the tape no longer retracts the FIRST time I used it. I should have spent more and purchased a reliable product. I highly do not recommend.

Save 2% Off

3M Coban Self-adherent Wrap - Tan, 1" wide

3M Coban Self-adherent Wrap - Tan, 1' wide - - Case of 30This product is the best thing they invented. This can be used instead of a bandage that

falls off during the day, its holds up all day and its comfortable.

Save 22% Off

ProFlex 4020 Left Wrist Support, Gray, 2X-Large

ProFlex 4020 Left Wrist Support, Gray, 2X-LargeYears ago, I had a keyboard at work with a very heavy touch, and it was not long before I noticed I had the start of some sort of repetitive stress problem. I replaced my keyboard and mouse, and after a couple months of protecting myself with the Ergodyne Proflex Wrist Supports I was "back to normal." Well, a few months ago my problem flared up again and I needed some more for use at home. Fortunately, I found the same model that had worked well for me before here at an Amazon partner store. The new units have only changed in color (from light blue to gray) and work and feel the same. I am pleased with their performance.

My one piece of advice is to get them a little larger than you think your hand size may be. In other words, if you think you are "medium" but don't know for sure, you are probably safer getting the "large." In any event, the product is adjustable, so fit should not be an issue, although it is a little easier to adjust them "smaller" than "larger," which is another reason I recommend getting them a little large if you are in doubt.

The wrist support really helps me at work and when I'm outside of work. It is smaller and provides plenty of movement with my fingers while typing yet still gives support to my wrist. I feel that it is a good deal for the money. Well worth it.

Buy ProFlex 4020 Left Wrist Support, Gray, 2X-Large Now

I haven't had these long enough to see if they help my wrist pain longterm, but they do help them feel better in the short term. I like that they are comfortable to wear vs some other wrists supports that had a longer metal bar up into the palm of my hands. They also fit under gloves which is a great plus in the winter and when driving. I bought these because a friend recommended them to me and am so glad I did. My only question is why the right and left wrist supports didn't cost the same at Amazon; one was less than $8 while the other was over $10. Still, at under $20, they were a good buy.

Read Best Reviews of ProFlex 4020 Left Wrist Support, Gray, 2X-Large Here

It is OK for a light support.

But it is not for a serious support.

Use it when a light support is needed.

Want ProFlex 4020 Left Wrist Support, Gray, 2X-Large Discount?

Best wrist support I have ever used. Perfect for my need. I am very pleased with this purchase. I liked it so well I now have a back up set!

Village Naturals Bath Shoppe Lavender & Chamomile Body Salt 31 oz

Village Naturals Bath Shoppe Lavender & Chamomile Body Salt 31 ozI purchased this bath crystals from Amazon. I like this product because it smells very nice and it does not bubble. We have a jacuzzi bath tub and it is important that the bath crystals do not bubble because the bubbles overflow when the jets are moving the water.

Smells wonderful, shipping was great, I can't seem to find bath salts online anymore, so this was a treat!

Buy Village Naturals Bath Shoppe Lavender & Chamomile Body Salt 31 oz Now

I have used this product for some time and used to get it at the local Wal-Mart. It is a great product. Wonderful light scent. That does nor smell fake.

Read Best Reviews of Village Naturals Bath Shoppe Lavender & Chamomile Body Salt 31 oz Here

Awesome product. You get a LOT in the bottlevery good price for how much you get. The salts smell wonderful and makes such a great, relaxing bath. I highly recommend this bath soak!!! I will definitely buy more when my current bottle is empty!

Want Village Naturals Bath Shoppe Lavender & Chamomile Body Salt 31 oz Discount?

I won't buy this product again because of the strong, unpleasant perfume scent. It didn't smell like lavender at all to me.

HealthiFeet 4 oz Foot Cream

HealthiFeet 4 oz Foot CreamAll this stuff does is make your feet greasy. It does not warm your feet. It is a complete waste of money!

The product is great. I bought is for my mother in law. She loves it. The only thing was that it took over 3 weeks to arrive and when i called the shipper they had no records and issues with a tracking number. But I called amazon and they were very helpful with providing the shipping information so that I could find my package.

Buy HealthiFeet 4 oz Foot Cream Now

I have Type II diabetes and my feet get cold and achy, especially from nerve damage. I use healthifeet daily (once or twice) and I love it. It keeps my feet from getting overly sensitive to the cold and nerve pains. I would recommend it to everyone ( and I really feel positive about its benefits). Just my opinion. I am a senior citizen who has tried a variety of such creams. Healthifeet is my favorite.

Read Best Reviews of HealthiFeet 4 oz Foot Cream Here

I ordered it for my husband and he said it was the best product he has ever used for his feet.

Want HealthiFeet 4 oz Foot Cream Discount?

I have peripheral neuropathy and Hashimoto's syndrome, and HeathiFeet soothes and warms my feet, plus it absorbs quickly and is economical to use.

Save 10% Off

Espree Paw Balm For Dogs

Espree Paw Balm For DogsI have an English Shepherd whose paws bleed and crack in the winter. Snow gets caught in the hair between his paw pads and forms into balls of ice. He eventually can't walk and when he rips the ice out, it usually has blood in it. :0(

I bought Musher's Secret on Amazon and have been waiting for it to arrive. In the meantime, I went to my local Petco and got this product, not expecting too much.

It is made with lanolin, so it is rather oily. The wax melts right away in your hands and is easy to apply to the paws. My dog did not seem bothered by my applying it to his paws.

I applied it right before we went to the dog park after our Chicago blizzard. When he went into the deep snow, he did not pick up his paws from the cold as he had earlier that day. He did get ice between his toes, just as much as before, but the difference was that I could slide the ice pellets right off the fur without ripping the fur out, hurting him, or without having to melt it. To me, this was a huge improvement. We had to stop about 10 times in 50 minutes worth of time, but at least there was no pain involved. Also, when we got into the car, he quickly removed by himself what was left of the ice.

After just one use, his paw pads are smoother and the cracks looks far less painful. I can only imagine how much better they will be after several uses.

I am happy to say this works fairly well for a winter situation. It seems to protect a bit from the cold, makes paw pads smoother, and keeps the ice from becoming dangerously embedded in between the foot pads. It only loses a star for not protecting a bit more against the ice, but really, it's a very useful product nonetheless.

I recommend this product!

The product works really great, I actually got this for my dog who has been licking her paws raw, they were all red and raw and it has made such a difference in one week, her paws actually went back to her normal pink color!

Buy Espree Paw Balm For Dogs Now

I like to pamper my dog and be 100% ready for anything that my happen and when i went on a camping trip where we be walking on rocks, sand and dirt for a long time I wanted to make sure I had something incase my dogs paws became sore since he is a small poodle mix and mostly stays indoors. I really like this product it made his paws look very healthy and hydrated in just a few days. Plus when my husband was having very dry cracking skin in his foot I told him to try this without telling him it was for dogs and it make his skin heal up nicely with no re-cracking of the skin. He laughed once I told him it was for the dog. Now I'm not saying to people this will heal every skin foot problem because the issue my husband has comes and goes so this just seem to help with it not coming back and healing nicely. I would totally recommend this product

Read Best Reviews of Espree Paw Balm For Dogs Here

My dog loves to run and skid to a stop for a ball in the dog park. I noticed he was limping a little and when I looked his paws were cracked everywhere! I got this balm and the next day, no limping. He likes the smell so he will actually lay down in my husbands lap and let him put the balm on. It is also good in the cold weather so the salt doesn't irritate your dogs pads.

Want Espree Paw Balm For Dogs Discount?

My dog, like most dogs, hate having their paws touched and despise having something put on them. If I am able to get this on my dog's paws without him eating it off, it does wonders for his cracked paw pads.

Cerave Cerave Moisturizing Cream

CeraVe Moisturizing Cream, 16 OunceMoisturizes like a charm! Honestly one of the best creams I've used. No sticky residue, no problems with greasy skin after use, it's been amazing. I have seen significant improvement in my skinespecially my hands and feet. I suffer from dry skin, especially in the winter, and have been pleased with this product. I have dry skin on my face too, but the cream is too heavy for my pores. I tried it and it leaves me feeling clogged. I swear by it for hands and feet, but not the face. The face needs another product.

I looked to see if they made a face specific product but stumbled upon something else instead called retinol cream. It's very similarit's intent is to moisturize, but it's lighter and it works well on my face. It works all over the skin too but the face was my most important concern. Normally when you find something you like, you're paying more money for it. The retinol cream I found is actually very affordable at less than $11: Retinol Cream (Vitamin A) 2 oz. + FREE St. Ives Renewing Collagen Elastin Advanced Body Moisturizer Gift Set. When I saw it came with St. Ives, a brand I already knew and trusted, that was just a bonus. Creams like CeraVe are amazingthey really do the job on those tough spots! Like I said, I swear by it myself, but the retinol cream achieves the one thing the CeraVe cream misses and that's the usability on skin like my face. I love them both and so happy I found two great products I can use together safely!

After trying multiple products on my face my dermatologist has recommended me to buy and use CeraVe and it is simple an amazing moisturizer. After seeing it in all my local pharmacies for over $17 I decided to go with the wonderful amazon price with free shipping. Love it!!!

Buy Cerave Cerave Moisturizing Cream Now

My baby son has had severe eczema since 3 weeks old, and I tried every product out there (Aquaphor, Vaseline, Cetaphil lotion, etc). By far and away the best product was this Cerave cream which his pediatric dermatologist recommended. It applies really evenly and leaves no icky-sticky feeling so doesn't ruin clothes and sheets. It's available in a big tub which is pretty economical too.

However, there's a HUGE problem with this problem which, frankly, I'm shocked hasn't gotten more scrutiny and criticism among other user reviews and in skin care forums. One of the ingredients is a paraben, specifically "propylparaben", which is shown to cause hormonal and other disturbances. If you yourself skew towards natural hair and skin brands, you'd see that most conscientious companies explicitly do not include any parabens at all -even for fully grown adult use! This has come to my attention only recently (which is a shame because by now I've stockpiled the Cerave cream which I'll have to throw all away).

Instead am going to change it up to use the Cetaphil Restoraderm Moisturizer instead.

Cetaphil Restoraderm Skin Restoring Moisturizer, 10-Fluid Ounces I actually had tried this out last year too when it first came out. It performs very similarly to the Cerave (ceramide based "glide" feeling on baby's skin, not sticky, no oily blotches) but importantly does NOT include any parabens. I kept buying Cerave instead of it because the Cerave is cheaper. However, I checked out the Environmental Working Group's SkinDeep database for each of the two products and the Cetaphil Restoraderm got markedly better reviews from a hazard and toxicity perspective. You can read directly what they say about the propylparaben risk:The Restoraderm costs about 30% more but totally worth it, esp. when you consider the fact that "thin skin" areas like your baby's face and bum are readily absorbing in each and every ingredient. I really hope Cerave gets their act together and removes the paraben from their ingredients in which case I'd happily switch back.

Read Best Reviews of Cerave Cerave Moisturizing Cream Here

Is truly brilliant. And she's the one who recommended this stuff.

In the past I've slathered on all manner of various and sundry slime, and none of it really made a difference.

This stuff is another story you can almost see your skin take on a flush of health and a sheen of youth within a few days of beginning to use it. No skin affliction has a chance.

Highly recommended.

Want Cerave Cerave Moisturizing Cream Discount?

Pediatrician recommended this cream for my daughter's eczema and it cleared her up so quickly. I continue to use it on her and it keeps her skin moisturized.

Save 4% Off

First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser 5 oz

First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser 5 ozI used to have fairly bad uneven skin and pimples, but after weeks of using this, I've seen a change in how my face looks! barley any breakouts and my skin tone evened out! I was impressed by the results. This stuff is safe for people who have sensitive and dry skin (I have eczema, so a cleanser that's safe is a must. I's great for washing off makeup and keeping pimples at bay. Use at least twice a day and no more (cleaning your face more than once in a day just promotes dryness as well as oilyness). I recommend this product for nearly all sensitive skin types.


I have oily T-zone and normal cheeks. Always had great skin then I got the Nexplanon (3 yr b.c stays in your arm). My face went crazy. Waited 6 months took it out waited another 6 months skin never got better. I spent all of 2011 & 2012 trying to get my face back I'be had two different dermatologist and between them everything was tried.

More pimples and now dark spots I was loosing it.


I saw a review about this product and a girl said it worked in 5 days. I give you 2!! My face is already looks so much better! I problem I kept having with other products is they would over dry and burn my face up. This feels so different.

I'm soo happy i found it and I hope others do too.

Buy First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser 5 oz Now

This has worked really well for me. It foams up nicelysimilar to the consistency of shaving pot cream. With a pea-sized amount, it is able to remove makeup and bring my face back to its (almost squeaky) clean state. I haven't tried removing eye makeup with this, but it does a great job at removing foundation, blush, eyebrow pencil -don't have residual makeup on the cotton pad when I apply toner afterward. Will add this to my list of favorite beauty products.

Read Best Reviews of First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser 5 oz Here

I have super sensitive skin that reacts to most cleansers. This one doesn't bother me. It removes make up without drying too.

Want First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser 5 oz Discount?

This cleanser lathers well, you only have to use a pea-sized amount to cover your whole face. It seems to remove makeup well, and it's non-irritating and didn't dry out my skin. I don't think this alone will help cure noticeable acne, but for that it's important to use a cleanser in general. I did notice a light soapy smell that's unpleasant to me, but it goes away quickly.

On it's own merits, this product really has no major flaws. I'm giving it 4 stars mainly because of the price I've used other face washes that are as effective at half the price or less.

Save 39% Off

Tactical Black Universal Aluminum Foam Splint 36"

Tactical Black Universal Aluminum Foam Splint 36'Product is not in a roll as pictured, but a large flat, smelly, made in china substitute. I would not buy. I'm tired of receiving items that are different from what is shown and or advertised.

Save 60% Off

Rescue Key

Rescue Key, RedThe first thing your learn in CPR is "Safety First" , with this product you have a good CPR shield in your hand, not too bulky and not so grouse.

You carry it as a Key chain.

Its better to have it and not to use it, instead to need it and not have it.

Don't Hesitate to buy and carry it.

Microflex ® Evolution One ® Latex Powder-Free Disposable Gloves - Small Natural - Box of 100 Glov

Microflex ® Evolution One ® Latex Powder-Free Disposable Gloves - Small Natural - Box of 100 Gloves - EV-2050-S
  • Number one selling item in this category
  • Safety First, always use proper PPE
  • Safety is the key, it is up to you and me
  • Safety is no accident
  • Keep Safety front and center

The cunningly designed non-slip texture on the fingertips of these wonderful, durable powder free latex gloves feels like no other glove on earth. Discovered them in the research lab and continue to use them in patient care. Well worth the extra pennies. Wear them once and you will never again be satisfied with any other glove on the market. I am not exaggerating.

Save 30% Off

Weather Resistant ABS Case

Weather Resistant ABS CaseVideo review of the life line waterproof case

The description states case pack of 12, which is what I expected to get. Following this they say MSRP is $4.99. Why would I pay double for something. The obvious intent is to make you believe you're getting 12.

Buy Weather Resistant ABS Case Now

Heritage Products Castor Oil, The Palma Christi, 8 Fluid Ounces (240 ml) (Pack of 6)

Heritage Products Castor Oil, The Palma Christi, 8 Fluid OuncesI've read many reviews about how castor oil is supposedly good for hair and it promotes growth. So I wanted to try it out. It is pretty thick so I mixed it with coconut oil which also gives it a pleasant aroma (the castor oil barely has a scent). I used the oil on my eyelashes (because it's sad when my fiance's eyelashes are longer and fuller than mine) and I noticed that it did get longer and thicker looking. I'm not sure if my head is just playing tricks with me but I like my lashes now.

I also use it as an oil treatment for my hair because I recently got it chopped off and I'm trying all sorts of things to grow it out again. I'm not sure if it helps grow your hair but getting an oil treatment every now and then is good and healthy hair is always a plus.

My sister recommended that I use Palma Christi on a woolen cloth to help with my arthritis. I laughed at her but I was desperate. I can't rub the oil in because that too causes pain. I soak the woolen cloth in oil and place a hot water bottle on top. I thought i would really feel foolish if I woke up with a bed soaked in water and oil but I tried it anyway. I slept for 5 hours! I don't know if it was the combination of heat with the oil or not but, the next day I soothed my entire body, including my face, with oil. The jury is still out on how long this will last but I will ride the wave until I come to shore.

Buy Heritage Products Castor Oil, The Palma Christi, 8 Fluid Ounces (240 ml) (Pack of 6) Now

Now if I could just figure out how to harvest from the castor beans in my yard ~ lol. Quite a lot of product for the price, thank you very much!

Read Best Reviews of Heritage Products Castor Oil, The Palma Christi, 8 Fluid Ounces (240 ml) (Pack of 6) Here

I have thouroughly enjoyed using this product. It came on time and I'm using it for more than I originally purchased it for. I put it under my eyes, and have no wrinkles there, and I also put it in my ear when I have an ear ache, and it always helps. I am very pleased with this brand and I trust the seller. I will buy more when I run out, but I still have two from the first pack.

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Adventure Medical Kits Outfitter Kit

Adventure Medical Kits Outfitter KitVery comprehensive first aid kit. This kit will take care of the vast majority of incidents you may have around the house or while on an extended hiking/camping trip. It's also well organized in quickly identifiable pouches based on type of injury. The only reason I gave it 4 out of 5 stars is there are a few areas of improvement especially considering this kit tries to sell itself as a "hunters" trauma kit. If you are going to be around firearms or plan to use this for any serious wounds I would highly recommend adding an artificial coagulant such as Cellox or the new (non heat producing) Quikclot. Make sure you don't get the old stuff. It might stop the bleeding, but it'll cause severe burns.

Additionally, you may want to add an Israeli bandage again for any serious wound. One package to open that has everything you need to completely cover a large wound and duals as a pressure dressing if needed with a built in clasp to secure the wrap. That's in comparison to using what's in this kit and having to open a 4 x 4 sterile pad, applying that to the wound, wrapping it with gauze and taping it down, then having to take even more steps if you need to apply a pressure dressing.

Simple fix though. I just purchased a packet of Cellox and an Isreali bandage and added it in. Both of which are sold on Amazon.

The kit arrived in the time it was supposed to and was exactly what the discription said it was. The Adventure Guide was smaller than I thought it would be but is absolutely packed with great field and emergency medicine info. We got it as a more comprehensive medical kit to backpack with and to keep in our survival bag. I'm also very happy that there is extra room in the kit for additional or replacement supplies. I plan to add everything we had in our home-made medical kit to this kit as well. Great buy and the price on Amazon was the lowest I found for this kit.

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Purchase arrived in excellent condition, exactly as described, with none of the contents in danger of shelf-life expiration. Very affordable solution.

Pros: Quality product, very compact, well thought out design and contents, excellent value

Cons: None noted

Summary: This is a great value on a quality first aid kit that is typically much more expensive. It is a great addition to your home, vehicle, or office setting, and is well suited for the basic first aid needs of outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, hiking, etc.

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Everyone should have one of these in their car incase of an emergency.

This item came really fast and I was pleased with the outcome.

Thank You and I would order another one if need to.

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I determined that this kit was the best choice among the dozens of crazy permutations by comparing the FEMA first aid kit recommendations with Rawle's list in his book How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times. The kit is lightweight and has plenty of room for my other purchase: two of the Israeli Bandage Battle Dressing, First Aid Compression Bandage. There's a nice smaller kit you can bring with you. There are a lot of zippered areas to keep things organized. And upon receipt of the kit everything was well-sealed up so I'm confident nothing's missing (although I did some spot checking).

In the end, if you want to get a kit with the recommended items and don't want to spend hours hunting down things like EMT shears iodine swabs and disposable thermometers, only to have to over-purchase the items, this is a good value in the end. You get what you need, in a good (Get Out Of Dodge) kitbag.

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35% H2o2 Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade Certified 8 OZ with 1 OZ Bottle Dropper

35% H2o2 Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade Certified 8 OZ with 1 OZ Bottle DropperI love my experience with this company! The shipping was fast and I love the product! The quality is as described. I'm doing a full body cleanse with my food grade hydrogen peroxide as described in The One Minute cure and I started seeing and feeling results on day 3. I e-mailed the company before I bought the product and they responded almost immediately. When I need more I will definitely come back! It also came with a handy printout of all the different uses for food grade hydrogen peroxide so that was nice. Overall, great prices, great service, great shipping speed especially because I've heard how difficult it is to find quality food grade hydrogen peroxide. Great company!

I'm doing the one minute cure routine using this. So far, so good. After about 5 days, I have increased energy and less back & leg pain and can breathe better and more deeply. Also sleep better at night.

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This product did exactly what I was expecting for my kertosis! It flaked off and faded as I was expecting. Would recommend it for this purpose.

Read Best Reviews of 35% H2o2 Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade Certified 8 OZ with 1 OZ Bottle Dropper Here

Used this product to get rid of my Seborrheic Keratosis (Dark Brown non cancerous growths) and it

worked. Took a bit longer than a few days but they are gradually falling off.

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I wanted to let people know that this product was shipped fast and in good order. This solution is real and works really well. I had a bad mole on my arm for years and it probably should have been surgically removed but after being on this product for two weeks it healed itself. I noticed that I slept better as well.

Schick Schick Hydro 3 Cartridges

Schick Hydro 3 Blade Razor Cartridge Refill-4 ctI first wrote how impressed I was with this product as I was researching economical shaving alternatives to the current state of rip-off and gimmick nonsense currently being sold as 'shaving systems' as it really is the smoothest shave I've ever gotten. Second only to my Trac II razor. For about 6 days. Then on the 7th and 8th day it suddenly changed for me. The sixth day was as smooth as the first; but the next two days were drastically different. The razor dragged and pulled, the 'juice' in the blade head to sooth and slick the face was gone, and for the first time I got razor burn. I was just as shocked by this as I was how great the razor was at first. I had to revert to a 4-way shave to finish shaving with this razor and the results were inferior all the way around. I was left with irritation and stubble; the blades just wouldn't cut the stubble without pulling the hair and increasing the irritation. I finally quit half-way through my 4th pass and grabbed my Trac II and finished with that and the Trac II which had 6 days use on the blade was as smooth as the Hydro was on it's first. The Hydro even nicked the area around the corners of my mouth and my upper lip trying to get rid of the stubble which my Trac II never did.

My experiment is done. When I calculate the cost of these blades per shave at 6 shaves the Trac II is more economical and gives a continuously better shave. It's not 'as smooth' on the first shave as the Hydro was; but it is about 90% as smooth and that's good enough as the Trac II never gave me any nicks, cuts or irritation and the last two shaves of the Hydro did nothing else. I'm done with it and going back to the less expensive twin II style cartridge blades that have always done a consistently better job for a heck of a lot less money. In some ways I think the razor business peaked with the twin blade razors (Trac II, Super II, Sensor, Tracer) and everything after them were a marketing gimmick just to separate us average men from our money. Again: Done.

27-year-old male here: sensitive skin but need to be clean-shaven for work. I've tried nearly every different razor and type (safety, electric, 2-5 blade cartridge). My conclusion is this: Gillette, although offering a competitive product, is simply too expensive and not cost-effective for long-term usage. If you've read or watched videos "teaching you the art of shaving", almost every single one mentions the importance of a sharp blade!

My daily razor now is the Schick hydro. The "hydration reservoir" is no gimmick, it really works. Sometimes, I don't even need to re-apply shave soap and it just glides across my face. Shaving in the shower is key, too. I remember having ridiculously nasty razor-burn when I would wake up, lather, and shave before the shower. Just follow some basic tips and utilize a quality blade like Schick Hydro offers, and you will be amazed how much better the experience of shaving is!

Highly recommended.

Buy Schick Schick Hydro 3 Cartridges Now

I am pleased to have found these blades again. They are better for shaving around my mustache than the five blade models. I can't find them around town, and after buying the handle I didn't want to start over again. I get a good clean shave with the lack of cuts found with lesser quality blades.

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Shaves pretty well, doesn't cut up my face. Works better than the cheap Gillette blades I used to get by the pound from costco. It really is pretty pleasant when they're new and glides nicely.

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I switched from Gillette Mach 3 and the Hydro 3 is better and each cartridge lasts a long time. It's a superior product.